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Alleppey Dental Clinic is a multispecialty dental clinic specialized in various branches of dentistry. We have expert dentists and supporting staffs to provide you better and effective treatments and services. Our labs are well equipped and maintained with out any compromise in case of hygiene. The special treatments we provided are:

Replace teeth that have been lost, for whatever reason. Missing teeth pose more than an aesthetic issue; surrounding teeth may shift out of position toward gaps, bacteria is more likely to grow in food trapped in these gaps, and the ability to chew and speak can be severely compromised.

Root Canal Treatment - (Single & Multiple Sittings)
Apexification - (Multiple Sittings)
Apexogenesis - (Multiple Sittings)

Many people with misaligned teeth have avoided orthodontic treatment because of the inconvenience and conspicuous appearance of traditional metal braces. Fortunately, these people can now straighten their teeth with ceramic braces or lingual braces or Invisalign, the clear alternative to metal braces.

Growth Modification and Growth Enhancement in Children - (Multiple Sittings)
Metal braces - (Multiple Sittings)
Invisible Orthodontics
» Invisalign - (Multiple Sittings)
» Ceramic Braces - (Multiple Sittings)
» Lingual Orthodontic Treatment - (Multiple Sittings)
Surgical Orthodontics - (Multiple Sittings)
Adult Orthodontics - (Multiple Sittings)
Habit breaking appliances

Exodontics is the practice of tooth extraction. Endodontic treatment is recommended for teeth affected by crown fracture exposing pulp, and pulpitis. However, it is not unusual to perform exodontic treatment when there is minimal crown available for restorative techniques. Exodontic treatment may also be used as a component of treatment for malocclusion.

Conservative Dentistry

The field of Conservative Dentistry is one of the oldest branches of clinical dentistry which is concerned with conservation of teeth in the mouth. The primary goal is to encompasses the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sequelae of dental caries and the other defects of natural teeth; techniques and procedures to restore the teeth to full function and appearance in an aesthetically pleasing manner with as little loss of the healthy tooth structure as possible.

We have an Oral & Maxillo - Facial surgeon, a Periodontist as well as a prosthodontist well trained and experienced in the field of Implantology. Good care and effort is given in planning, selecting implants for each patient at our clinic. Proper care is taken during Surgical, Prosthodontic and Maintenance phases of the treatment.

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